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Distru + Dutchie Integration Guide
Distru + Dutchie Integration Guide

How to set up and use the Distru + Dutchie integration

Sonya Lilienstein avatar
Written by Sonya Lilienstein
Updated over 4 months ago

PURPOSE: Save thousands of dollars in labor by streamlining your retail intake process! Use the Distru + Dutchie Integration to create new Products and Orders in Dutchie as you send Orders to your own shops from Distru. This article will outline how to use the integration, what information syncs, and how to get it set up in your own account.


How to Use the Integration in 4 Easy Steps!

Step 1: In Distru, create an Invoice to your integrated retail shop

Step 2: Map to/Create the Dutchie Products on your Order via the Distru Navigation Bar - the mapping will be retained for that shop's future orders!

Creating a Product in Dutchie from Distru

Step 3: Fulfill your order and accept the Manifest in Metrc, marking your Distru Sales Order Delivered/Complete

Step 4: Accept the automatically generated Saved Order in Dutchie - and that’s all, folks!

Accepting an Order in Dutchie that came from Distru

How to Create and Map Dutchie Products from Distru Products

Save time in Dutchie by copying new Products from Distru! No more double entry!

  1. A notification on the Dutchie icon will appear on the Distru Navigation bar once an Invoice to an integrated shop is created

  2. Click to view a list of your queued Invoices and click in to view any Products on that order that still require mapping to Dutchie

  3. Click to “Select Product,” select “Create in Dutchie,” and click the “Save Mappings” button.

How to Create Dutchie Saved Orders from Distru Invoices

Save time in Dutchie by copying outgoing Distribution Orders as incoming Retail Orders! No more double entry!

  1. Create a Sales Order as usual in Distru

  2. Creating an Invoice will queue it to sync to Dutchie

    1. 🛑 It can take up to 3 minutes to validate the line items on your order. Refresh your page to view any required action items via the Dutchie Icon in the Distru Navigation Bar

    2. Address any action items listed for each Invoice in the queue

  3. Once the manifest has been received by the retail team, accept the API-generated Saved Order in Dutchie to import your inventory… and that’s all, folks!

🧐 What Info Syncs and When

When Creating a Product from Distru to Dutchie…








Unit Type


Default Unit

Unit Net Weight

Grams per Concentration

Net Weight

Flower Equivalent

Flower Equivalent


Base Price


Alternate Name

When Creating a Dutchie Purchase Order from a Distru Invoice…

Purchase Orders



Invoice #

Order Title

Delivery Date

Delivered On



Sender License #

Vendor License #

Message to Customer







Expiration Date

Expiration Date

Packaged Date

Packaging Date

Package ID

Package ID

External Package ID

Batch ID

Lot Name/Batch ID


Price Per Unit

Sale Price

Cost Per Unit

Total Package Cost

Sync Condition Requirements

  1. The Distru Sales Order must have at least 1 Invoice

  2. The Distru Products on the Invoice must be mapped to corresponding Dutchie Products

  3. The Distru Sales Order is in Delivered or Completed Status

    1. 🛑 Once the order has been synced into Dutchie, it cannot be edited through the integration. Edits can be manually performed on both Dutchie and Distru if needed.

👉👈 How to Set Up the Integration

Prior to setting up the Integration

  1. Ask your Distru Customer Success Manager to enable the Dutchie integration for your Distru account and discuss pricing

  2. Request API key for each shop you wish to integrate from Dutchie Support 2-4 days prior to desired integration date.

  3. Assess your Distru Product details to ensure all Product information required for Dutchie is included in Distru.

    1. See Checklist for Success for pro tips!

  4. Ensure there is one Vendor profile in Dutchie with the same license as your distribution in Distru.

    1. Your Distru account will then be matched with the corresponding Vendor profile in Dutchie which will be listed as the Supplier on your integrated Orders.

Integrating a Shop

  1. From Distru’s Settings > Integrations > Dutchie, Click “Add a Retailer”

    1. Select the Company in your Distru CRM that represents your own shop.

      1. If you have multiple shops, each should be a separate Distru company

    2. Enter the API key from Dutchie for your shop

      1. If you have multiple shops, each will have a unique Dutchie API Key

    3. If you have an active Product Catalog in your Dutchie account, you can choose to automatically map your Products based on either an exact Name or SKU match.

2. Upon submitting the form, the system will check for a Vendor with your Distru License Number. If needed, add your Distribution license to a Vendor profile in Dutchie and come back to Distru to submit the form again.

Mapping your Product Categories

  1. Under the “Product Categories” section you will see your Distru Categories listed on the left. Click in to each to see a list of your Dutchie Categories and select the best match

  2. If you wish to ignore a category of Products so that they are omitted from syncing to Dutchie, click the 3 dots to Ignore that category.

    1. Categories can be unignored

Mapping Categories to Dutchie from Distru

✅ Checklist for Success

  1. Add retail-specific details to your Distru Products to further reduce data entry time in Dutchie

    1. Fields that are required in Dutchie will become required in Distru upon mapping that Product’s Category

    2. Fill out as much information on the Distru side as you can. Certain fields (see above) are not required but do communicate from Distru to Dutchie.

  2. Align your retail intake and distribution order fulfillment teams around their new workflow!

    1. Distribution team will be pushing new Products into the Dutchie Product list for each shop, the retail team does not need to spend time making Products to prepare for incoming orders anymore.

    2. Distribution team will be pushing new Orders with Inventory details into Dutchie Inventory > Receive Inventory > Saved Orders list for the retail team to review and accept, the retail team does not need to spend time copying dates or pricing information from your Distro’s Invoices and Manifests anymore.

  3. Update your Distru Product Categories to mirror your Dutchie Product Categories

    1. It’s not required to make them match exactly, but using the same datasets across integrated platforms is easier on reporting

    2. You can delete and edit Distru Categories via Distru's Settings > Company > Company Settings > Product Categories

    3. Use our Bulk Uploader to update your Distru Data en masse via Settings > Import Data > Import Products

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