OVERVIEW: Distru is now capable of taking into account your orders that need delivered, their addresses, and how many vehicles you possess to accomplish said deliveries and using all that info to create auto-generated routes to be used by your team. This will alleviate the need to come up with the most strategic route on your own which, depending on how many drops you actually have, could've taken up a lot of your time in the past.
A. How To Auto-Generate Delivery Routes
Head to your Sales Orders and view in Table View. You can switch between Dashboard and Table view using this icon in the top right of the Sales Order Dashboard:
Using the filter option in the top right of the screen and the Location filter within, check off one shipping Location. Generate routes one shipping location at a time:
The Location that is selected refers to the Inventory Source that's attributed to each Sales Order:
Once your Sales Order table is filtered down to only show those of one location, use the check-mark box to to mark every (#1) order you want to include in the Distru generated delivery route. After marking off all appropriate Sales Orders, click the vertical 3-dot menu (#2) that's appeared across the top of the screen and select Generate Routes (#3).
This will bring bring up a window that allows you to select how many vehicles will be involved in the delivery route. Type in the appropriate number, then hit the green "Yes, Proceed" button. The number of vehicles selected also corresponds to the number of Routes Distru will generate. 1 vehicle = 1 route, 2 vehicles = 2 routes, etc.
If successful you'll see this message appear along the bottom of your screen:
At this point you'll have to wait 30 seconds or so for a Distru-generated email to appear in your inbox. Once you receive it, open it and it'll look like this:
Stop 1 will be the Location at your facility that you filtered the Sales Order table down to. The location name, address, and the amount of Pickups (Sales Order) will be shown.
Stop 2>Stop 3>Stop 4>etc will be in the most strategic order that Distru decided on for how to efficiently make your deliveries. The name of the Company, address, and associated Sales Order numbers will be shown.
Clicking the blue link that says "Click Here For Map" will display a map of the delivery route with a starting point and the order in which the drop-offs should take place:
After utilizing the routing feature, you may receive an email from Distru that reads "Distru was unable to generate routes for the sales orders you selected. Please contact support for assistance." This can be due to things like:
The order is missing an origin shipping location (Inventory Source on the Sales Order)
The order is missing a destination shipping location
The e-mail you receive should clearly spell out exactly what the issue is. If you have any questions please reach out to Customer Support via the Help Chat feature.