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Adjusting Package Quantity

How to adjust packages in Distru, instantly synced with Metrc

Azam Khan avatar
Written by Azam Khan
Updated over a month ago

NOTE: Never adjust packages in Metrc directly, always use Distru. Once the package has been adjusted in Distru, it will sync to Metrc in real-time.
The following are different ways in which you can adjust package inventory:

Product Detail Page

You can get to the Product Detail page in 1 of 2 ways:

  1. Go to the products table and click on a products name

  2. Search for the product in the top middle search bar (which says Search Distru)

Then drop down the warehouse its in by clicking on it, and then you'll see the Package(s), from where you can click the 3 dots next to it to adjust it as shown above.Β 

Package List Page

You can also switch from Product list to Package list by clicking the Products name on the top left and switching to packages, which will show you all packages (by default) as shown below:

Here you can look for the package (either browse or search from the top right search bar) that you want to adjust and click the three dots to the left of the package number and select Adjust Package.

Adjust Package

Next you can carry out the adjustment as usual. The adjustment reasons are pulled from METRC so be sure to select the right reason. We highly recommend limiting these permissions to a select few, trusted personnel as this can cause you to fall out of compliance quickly.Β 

If you have any questions, please reach out via live chat.


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