Next Steps
You have booked your first onboarding meeting! During this initial onboarding session, we'll be mapping out your operation and the foundation for your Distru account. ย
How to get the most out of your first session with us:
Only invite your company admins to this meeting as it is more of a high-level conversation before we dive into our three-part onboarding
Between your team on the call it's helpful to bring the knowledge of the products you are selling and buying, current operation set up, licenses and location information, organization personnel set up (who does what where), and expectations for onboarding (timelines, questions, etc.)ย
We believe there is no one size fits all for onboarding onto a new software that affects your entire organization. In a fast-changing industry where every operator has a chosen a unique industry advantage, we want to cater our onboarding process to your operation.
The goal of this call is to customize your onboarding schedule based on learning more about your goals as a company.ย
Really looking forward to learning more and setting a strong foundation for your team to "grow".
HIGHest regards,
Head of Customer Success