Based on our latest update, we have added invoices and shipments as well. Payments are now associated with invoices, and no longer directly associated to sales orders.
To learn more about how sales orders work, check out the following video:
Step By Step
Quick Create using the "+" sign in the top right corner
Or go to Main Menu > Sales > Sales Orders > Create Sales Order
Fill in the Fields
Billing Address: Select a billing address (can have multiple locations if you added them to your customer’s Company info)
Shipping Address: Select a the physical address where the order will be delivered
Status: (Non-Metrc) Use these order statuses as needed to track order status.
Order Date and Due Date: Sales Order Date defaults to the day the order is created but can be changed to any date. Choose the due date at your discretion or as dictated by terms outlined under Settings > Customize Distru > Payment Terms
Delivery Date: Set the Delivery Date to coincide with intended date of delivery. Terms can also be calculated from the delivery date by going to Settings > Company Settings > Sales Order Settings
Owner: Whichever user is responsible for the Sales Order, typically the Sales Rep
Inventory Source: This is the location where the order inventory will be pulled from. A default inventory source can be assigned in
Internal Notes: Anything entered here will only be viewable by your staff. It's a great place for sales to make notes for the order fulfillment team.
Message to Customer: Default messages can be set to appear on every sales order (and therefore on every subsequent invoice) by navigating to Settings > Company > Company Settings > Sales Order Settings > Default External Notes (ex: Thank you for your order!). Anything entered in this field will be customer facing.
Custom Fields: If you set up any Custom Fields, they will appear next.
Adding Products to a Sales Order
Click Add Line Item
Select Distru products, source location, quantity. Adjust price as well as indicate whether or not the item is a sample by ticking the sample box on the right
Set up Tax Tags under Settings > Customize Distru > Taxes to calculate excise tax on cannabis items and leave non-cannabis items out of the calculation.
For Metrc Integrated accounts, the next article covers assigning packages
Additional Charges / Discounts & Taxes
Taxes are set up under Settings > Customize Distru > Taxes. These will carry over to subsequent invoice(s).
Taxes will be applied after Discounts and Charges.
Taxes will not be applied to samples.