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Find the As to the most commonly asked Qs

Sonya Lilienstein avatar
Written by Sonya Lilienstein
Updated over 4 months ago

Q: How should I name my Products?

A: Team Distru and other industry leaders have joined forces with the CDA (Cannabis Distribution Association) to establish a standard product naming convention:

Q: Why don’t my Invoice numbers and Sales Order numbers match?

A: Eventually you’ll find that your Sales Order numbers no longer match up with your Invoice numbers. This is because one Sales Order could have multiple invoices or no invoices at all.

For example, if the products sold on SO-00001 are split up between two Invoices, those Invoices will be INV-00001 and INV-00002. When you create SO-00002, the next available Invoice number will be INV-00003.

To realign your Sales Order and Invoice numbers, you can go to Settings > Company Settings and scroll down until you see the next auto-generating numbers and change the next Sales Order to align with the next Invoice number - but be aware that as soon as multiple invoices are created or an invoice is deleted, the numbers will be askew once again.

Settings > Company > Company Settings

Q: How do I edit a Completed Sales Order?

A: A Sales Order is marked "Complete" once it has been matched with its corresponding Metrc Transfer. This is done by either creating a Transfer Template via Distru and Registering that Transfer, or creating a Transfer in Metrc and a Sales Order in Distru and then Matching them.

Completed Sales Orders can still be edited in many ways

  • Pricing

  • Custom Fields

  • Discounts, Charges, and Taxes

  • Dates, Customer, and all other information

The only things that cannot be changed on a Completed order are the Order Line Items and their packages. To make changes to these, you will need to

  1. Unmatch the Sales Order from its Metrc Transfer

  2. Remove the package(s) in question from the Transfer in Metrc

  3. Remove the package(s) in question from the Sales Order in Distru

  4. Make any necessary changes to the packages and Sales Order

  5. Reassign the package tag to the Order Line Item in the Sales Order

  6. Reattach the package to the Transfer in Metrc

  7. Match the Sales Order with its Metrc Transfer

If you are using Transfer Templates, we recommend that you do not Register the Transfer until the last minute - this will keep the Sales Order in its "Processing" state longer, allowing you to make any changes to the Sales Order and simply Update the Transfer Template.

Keep in mind: If you select "Depart" on your transfer in Metrc, the Transfer will be un-voidable and uneditable. If you are unable to Unmatch your Metrc Transfer, contact Distru Support or your CSR.

Q: What do I do if I created a package by accident?

A: In Metrc, you can Discontinue a package as long as it has not been adjusted or transferred. This will burn the incorrectly created package tag making it unusable, and return its quantity to its source package, creating an Inventory Audit in Distru. Ask your company's Admin or Distru Support to fix this discrepancy, and you’re all set!

Q: I can't discontinue a tag I made on accident because I adjusted after the fact. What do I do?

A: Create an assembly to combine the tag you wish to discontinue and the source package into a new package tag. Then, finish the newly emptied packages.

Q: How do I utilize Product Tags?

A: While editing a product, you can create Product Tags. Applying these provides another means by which to filter your Products table. For example, you can create “Top Shelf” “Mid Shelf” and “Bottom Shelf” tags, and apply them to your products accordingly. Then, you can create a Saved Filter for each Product Tag.

These Tags can also be applied to Taxes. When this is done, that tax will only be applied to products with that Product Tag. For Example, apply “Cannabis” Tag to all cannabis Products, and apply it to your Excise Tax. Then, you can rest assured knowing that the tax will only be applied to tagged Products.

Settings > Customize Distru > Taxes > Edit Tax

Related Articles: Tax Tags

Q: There are packages in my Metrc account that I do not see in Distru - how can I import them?

A: First, check the Metrc Activity Icon for notifications of Packages to Import.

If you have active packages in your Metrc account that are not appearing in the list, open the Main Menu and click on Metrc > Packages > Skipped. From here, you can search for and unskip any packages that may have been previously skipped.

If you still do not see the packages you are looking for, contact Distru Support and ask them to pull the package’s data from Metrc. To assist the Distru team in their efforts, provide the full package tag number and a screenshot from Metrc of the package’s history.

Once the packages’ data has been pulled into Distru, you will be able to Import Packages from the Metrc Activity Icon at the top of the page. Select Import Packages, choose the location you wish to place the packages in, select Active Packages, and match the Metrc Items to their corresponding Distru Product.

If the products do not yet exist in your Distru account, you will need to leave this page to Create the Product so that you have somewhere to import the package to - be sure to create the product with the same Category and Unit type as its Metrc packages.

Q: My API Key is broken, what do I do?

A: If your API Key has broken, it could’ve been caused either by attempts to perform an action in Distru that you do not have permission to do in Metrc, or by being locked out of your Metrc account (too many login attempts, expired license, etc.).

To fix this, first confirm with the Metrc Admin at your company that you do have the Metrc permissions to perform the tasks required for your job. Next, confirm that your API key in Metrc matches your Personal API key in Distru. Then, let your Distru Customer Success Rep know that you have taken the previous steps and Distru will be able to backlog any data that wasn’t communicated while you weren’t connected.

Q: What are custom fields, how do I set them up, and will they appear on downloaded documents?

A: If ever you feel there is more information you wish to record on a document/activity in Distru, a Custom Field can be created to record such data. Custom Fields can be applied to Products, Companies, Contacts, Requests, Tasks, Transfers, Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Invoices, Shipments, Returns, and Assemblies. They can be added from the table view of any of these menu selections by clicking on the gear in the top right corner of the table.

They can be edited and deleted in Settings > Customize Distru > Custom Fields. Only the name and description of the custom field can be edited. Dropdown and Checkbox custom fields appear as filters in the table views as well as certain Reports. The Date Picker and Text Entry fields are not filterable but will appear as columns in tables. The Custom Fields will appear on any related downloaded document - this means that the Sales Order custom fields will appear on the Sales Order PDF, the Invoice custom fields on the Invoice PDF, etc.

Related Articles: Custom Fields

Q: How do I handle returns?

A: Return transfers are detected by Distru like any other incoming transfer. You can account for this in a variety of ways. You can start by creating a Dropdown Custom Field on Sales Orders called “Fulfillment Status” to indicate if an order was “Fully Returned” or “Partially Returned”. (You can also include options such as “Fully Rejected”, “Partially Rejected”, "Exchange Order", and “Cancelled”.) This custom field will allow you to filter out Returned orders when running your sales reports.

If you wish to make a Purchase Order for the Incoming Return Transfer, create a Checkbox Custom Field on Purchase Orders to indicate that it is reflecting a Return Transfer. You can also add a Text Entry Custom Field to indicate the Sales Order # this Return is from.

If you do not wish to make a Purchase Order for the Incoming Transfer, simply Import the Packages and skip the Transfer. To balance your Accounts Receivable without a Purchase Order, apply a discount to the original Sales Order to account for the value of the Returned Product.

If you plan on exchanging the Returned Products for something else, you will not be able to do this by updating the original Sales Order as that order is synced up with the Transfer that they already accepted. Instead, create a new Sales Order. You can also include as an option in your “Fulfillment Status” Custom Field to indicate that this Sales Order is an “Exchange Order”. You can then add either Text Entry Custom Field (if you’d like to see a column in the table view) or add in the internal notes which returned Sales Order this is related to.

The Dropdown Custom Fields will allow you to filter around Returns and Exchanges, and the Text Entry Custom Fields will provide clear visibility into the relationship between Orders.

Q: How do I handle rejections?

A: When a package you sent is rejected by the recipient in Metrc, you will first need to accept the rejected packages back into your Metrc account and then import them back into Distru. Upon reinstating the packages into your account, the Sales Order on which they were sent out will adopt “Return” banners on each returned package on the order.

To update the Invoice, you can edit the Invoice and the returned packages will be identified so that you know which packages to remove.

If the entire order was rejected, to provide the customer with an updated invoice showing that they are not financially responsible you must add a Discount to the existing Invoice. This is one of the rare times that you will want to add a Discount directly to the Invoice, rather than applying it to both the Sales Order and Invoice. The Sales Order has already factored in the Returns so its balance would be $0, but the Invoice would still have a balance. An Invoice cannot exist without any Line Items, so you will not be able to delete all of the packages without deleting the Invoice itself.

To identify and filter by orders that have Rejections, create a Custom Field on Sales Orders. “Fully Rejected” and “Partially Rejected” could be options included in the “Fulfillment Status” Custom Field, along with “Fully Returned”, “Partially Returned” and “Cancelled”.

Keep in mind: Returns are not currently included in Distru's basic reporting module. If you need this report, contact Distru Support or your CSR.

Keep in mind: If you are synced with Quickbooks Online, a Distru Return will generate a Credit Memo in Quickbooks. If you delete the line item from the Invoice, you will also need to delete the Credit Memo.

Q: What’s the difference between rejections and returns?

A: Rejections - When the recipient of a transfer rejects a package or whole order instead of accepting it, the rejected packages are returned to the sender and you will need to accept them back into your Metrc account. A rejected package will generate a "Return" in Distru.

Returns - If the recipient of a transfer accepts the packages but then wants to return them, they will send this back to you on a new Return transfer. This will come into your Metrc account just like any other Incoming Transfer.

Q: What happens in Metrc when someone changes the Received Quantity on a package I transferred them?

A: If the recipient of your transfer changes the received quantity, this will not affect the quantity of the source package. This means that you will be responsible for adjusting the source package accordingly to reflect your actual inventory. All adjustments should be performed via Distru.

e.g. If you have a package of 100 eighths and create a new package of 10 eighths to send out on a Metrc Transfer, the source package would be left with 90 eighths.

If the recipient of your transfer changed the Received Quantity of that package from 10 eighths to 8 eighths, you would need to adjust the source package from 90 eighths up to 92 eighths.

Q: How do I connect Quickbooks to Distru?

A: To connect Quickbooks Online and Distru, log in to your QBO account in the same browser as Distru. Then from Distru’s Settings > Integrations > Quickbooks Online, "Connect to Quickbooks Online" and line up your preferred income and expense accounts. You will then be able to create Quickbooks Items to match to your Distru Products if you choose to map your sales and purchases this way. Name them identically to the Quickbooks Items you have already created to avoid creating duplicates in your QBO. If you do not need specific product mapping, Distru will automatically create “Distru Purchases” and “Distru Sales” as Items in your Quickbooks account for any unmapped product sales or purchases to map to. Finally, update your Taxes within Distru to ensure they are mapping to the correct QB accounts as well.

Q: How can I do inventory cycle counts?

A: First, ask Distru Support to fix any Inventory Audits you may have between Metrc and Distru. Every 1-4 weeks, you can use Distru’s Cycle Counts Template and read Angie’s article on the importance of good cycle count habits to perform your cycle counts.

To DIY without the template:

  1. Export Packages from Distru and also export a list of your active packages from Metrc. Sort both of these by package tag and compare to find any packages that may be active in your Metrc account but have not been pulled into Distru. Add any missing packages to your Distru export.

  2. Now working only in the supplemented Distru Export, add a column next to Quantity entitled “Count” or “Physical Quantity”. Hide the preexisting Quantity column and lock it to perform a blind cycle count.

  3. Either use a tablet/phone or print the sheet and physically count all products in your facility, recording your findings in the newly added column. After counting (and double counting) all inventory, compare your count to the hidden Quantity column from your exports to find the difference between the two. Then, calculate the value of this difference in inventory.

  4. If the value of the difference in counts is higher than 3% of your average monthly sales, you have a significant discrepancy that must be reported within 24 hours of discovery.

  5. Finally, investigate any discrepancies and make your adjustments in Distru using the proper adjustment reason. Retain the printed sheet for your records in the event of an audit, and update the digital sheet with the actual amounts to keep a digital copy of your cycle count.

Q: What are some typical User Roles and what Permissions should they be granted in Distru?

A: Here are a few of the most common types of User Roles and some out-of-the-box Permissions they could have.

  1. Accounting
    - Settings: Quickbooks Configuration, Export Data, Price Tiers, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, Taxes
    - Report: All
    - Product: View
    - Company: View, Create, Edit
    - License: View
    - Contact: View, Create, Edit
    - Order: All
    - Invoice: All
    - Invoice Signature: All
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: All
    - Request: None
    - Transfer: View
    - Return: All
    - Assembly: None
    - Assembly Preset: None
    - Task: View, Create, Edit

  2. Sales Manager
    - Settings: Relationship Types, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, Custom Fields
    - Report: Sales by User, Sales by Product, Sales by Company, Sales Order History, Sales Order Item History, Invoice History
    - Product: View, Print Barcode
    - Company: All
    - License: All
    - Contact: All
    - Order: All
    - Invoice: All
    - Invoice Signature: All
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: View
    - Request: All
    - Transfer: View
    - Return: View, Create, Edit
    - Assembly: None
    - Assembly Preset: None
    - Task: View, Create, Edit

  3. Sales Rep
    - Settings: None
    - Report: None
    - Product: View, Print Barcode
    - Company: View, Create, Edit, View Map Interface
    - License: View, Create, Edit
    - Contact: View, Create, Edit
    - Order: View, Create, Edit, Download Order Slip, Download Test Results, Email Order Slip, Apply Charges/Discounts
    - Invoice: View, Create, Edit, Download/Print, Email, Receive Payments, Download Test Results
    - Invoice Signature: All
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: None
    - Request: View, Create, Edit, Download Request Slip, Email Request Slip
    - Transfer: None
    - Return: View
    - Assembly: None
    - Assembly Preset: None
    - Task: View, Create

  4. Production Manager
    - Settings: Product Groups, Product Unit Types, Custom Fields
    - Report: Inventory Valuation, Inventory Transaction History
    - Product: View, Create, Edit, Adjust Inventory, Adjust Menu Visibility, Print Barcode
    - Company: View, Create, Edit
    - License: View
    - Contact: None
    - Order: None
    - Invoice: None
    - Invoice Signature: None
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: View, Create, Edit, Email/Print Purchase Orders, Make Payments, Apply Cost/Discounts
    - Request: None
    - Transfer: View, Create, Edit, Email/Print Transfer Slips
    - Return: None
    - Assembly: View, Create, Edit
    - Assembly Preset: View, Create, Edit, Delete
    - Task: View, Create, Edit

  5. Production Employee
    - Settings: None
    - Report: None
    - Product: View, Print Barcode
    - Company: View, Create, Edit
    - License: None
    - Contact: None
    - Order: None
    - Invoice: None
    - Invoice Signature: None
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: View, Email/Print Purchase Orders
    - Request: None
    - Transfer: View
    - Return: None
    - Assembly: View, Create, Edit
    - Assembly Preset: View, Create, Edit
    - Task: View, Create

  6. Order Fulfillment Manager
    - Settings: Company Info & Settings, Export Data, Company Groups, Embedded Product Menu, Product Categories, Product Groups, Product Unit Types, Price Tiers, Relationship Types, Payment Methods, Payment Terms, Taxes, Custom Fields, Vehicles
    - Report: All
    - Product: View, Create, Edit, Adjust Inventory, Adjust Menu Visibility, Print Barcode
    - Company: View, Create, Edit, View Map Interface
    - License: View, Create, Edit
    - Contact: View, Create, Edit
    - Order: All
    - Invoice: All
    - Invoice Signature: All
    - Order Shipment: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None (All for Oklahoma)
    - Purchase: All
    - Request: View, Create, Edit, Download Request Slip, Email Request Slip
    - Transfer: View, Create, Edit, Email/Print Transfer Slips
    - Return: All
    - Assembly: All
    - Assembly Preset: All
    - Task: View, Create, Edit

  7. Investor/View-Only
    - Settings: None
    - Report: Inventory Valuation
    - Product: View
    - Company: View
    - License: View
    - Contact: View
    - Order: View
    - Invoice: View
    - Invoice Signature: None
    - Order Shipment: None (View for Oklahoma)
    - Order Shipment Signature: None
    - Purchase: View
    - Request: View
    - Transfer: View
    - Return: View
    - Assembly: View
    - Assembly Preset: View
    - Task: View, Create, Edit

Q: Should I Import Outgoing Metrc Transfers to the lab as Sales Orders?

A: No - Importing the Outgoing Metrc Transfer would create a Sales Order within Distru, which would then contribute to your Sales Reports giving you incorrect sales data, as you did not actually sell the product.

Instead, create the test sample packages in Distru and then create the Transfer to the lab directly in Metrc. Then, in Distru’s main menu, open Metrc > Transfers > Unimported and skip the transfer notification.

To make this process easier, you can create a Transfer Template in Metrc with the Lab’s information. Whenever you have created test sample packages in Distru, go to Metrc and “Copy” the lab’s Template to attach those Test Sample Packages and Register the Transfer.

Q: How can I edit my transfer template?

A: If you have not “Used” the transfer template yet, any updates to your sales order will be pushed to the existing transfer template by selecting “Update Transfer Template”. Once a transfer template has been “Used” and then “Registered”, the template is removed and therefore can no longer be updated. For this reason, and to stay compliant, we recommend that you do not “Use” transfer templates until 24 hours before delivery. This should allow ample time to make changes to the Sales Order before registering the transfer. If you need to make a change to a transfer after already “Using” the template, you will need to “Unmatch with Metrc Transfer”, update both the transfer in Metrc and the Sales Order in Distru, and then “Match with Metrc Transfer”

Related Articles: Transfer Templates

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